12. Soup of the Day
13. Halloumi Cheese
Served with green salad.
14. Mirza Ghasemi Vegetarian
Smoked aubergine in tomato and garlic with eggs.
15. Kashke Bademjan Vegetarian
Fried aubergine, fried onion, garlic, mint and whey.
16. Calamari
Grilled squid slices served with lemon aioli dip.
17. Falafel Vegetarian
Chickpeas, parsley, onions, herbs and garlic.
18. Chips Vegetarian
18. Sweet Potato Chips Vegetarian
19. Taftoon Bread Vegetarian
Fresh oven baked bread.
20. Chicken Wings
21. Sini Mazeh (Mixed Starters)
Collection of five starters:
  • Kashke Bademjan
  • Mirza Ghasemi
  • Salad Oliveh
  • Mast Mosir
  • Hummus